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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 23, 2021

Generate vendor email for entire order

Currently, if ordering 44 items from the same vendor within the same order, our vendor would get 44 emails. This is confusing for our vendor. I'd like a concise vendor email be sent with all 44 items ordered at the completion of the email, not a seperate email for each item in every order.

from support:

I would like to inform you that when we assign vendors to the orders, it is either assigned at the product level(to individual product) or the vendor is assigned to the order-item level as a result the email notification for Vendor Item Ready is triggered at the item level.This is the current designed behavior of the system where the vendor emails would be triggered at item level only since the assignment is done at the item level, not the entire order level., there is no way to trigger the email notification at the entire order-level containing multiple items as each item will trigger a separate email.

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    • Cynthia Emblem
      Jul 21, 2021

      Actually, the Vendor Item Ready email is neither the entire order nor only 1 product. In the example above the vendor gets 44 emails, 1 for each item, but those emails list all 44 items on all 44 emails. If the system is going to generate 44 different emails, then it should only contain one item each. Or if this email notification is intended to the be the entire order, as you are saying, then only 1 email should be sent. So currently the Vendor Item Ready email notification is half and half, not really either version.

      We have the opposite problem whereas our order may have 10 items, but not all items go to the same vendor. So, our vendors are getting emails that have all 10 items listed, but they are only supposed to do 1 or a few of those items, not all of them. So, our vendors are unclear as to what they are printing, and what a different vendor is doing. (We have vendors assigned at the product level)

      We really need Pressero to have TWO different email notifications for Vendor Notifications, one that is truly an Item Only Email notification that would only have 1 item in that email for multi-item jobs can be sent to the correct vendor for the correct item. AND for others, like user listed above that want the entire order to go to one vendor, with 1 email, 1 email notification sent, instead of 44. This would be similar to an ORDER COMPLETE email that includes all items, verses Order Item Completed email that only includes one item. This is something that is desperately needed. Currently we are processing all our vendor orders manually because of this Vendor email notification not working as needed to be functional and automatic.

      Please consider changing the functionality of the Vendor Item Ready email and offer both choices, one that is truly by Entire Order and one that is by Item and allow us to choose based on our needs.