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Categories Inventory Products
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 29, 2020

Ability to Mark an Item "out of stock" so it can't be ordered but don't have to rmeove it from the site.

We have a customer that has swag items online that we keep inventory for. We have added inventory into the system, but there have been a few times when we only have 1 item but the customer tries to add 15 to the order and gets an error message saying the order can't be fulfilled. But, it would be nice to be able to mark an item out of stock so when we only have a few on hand we can mark them out of stock so people don't try to add 15 and get confused. I currently go into the item and mark it out of stock in the description or picture, but it's easy to forget to remove those. It would be nice to be able to have it automatically show out of stock when an item is low stock. 
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  • Jim Riddles
    Jan 30, 2020

    The error message on our sites displays as follows:

    Unfortunately there is not enough inventory of Stress Reliever's to fulfill your request.

    That seems to be very clear to me.  Does your site display a different error message?