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Workspace Pressero
Created by Alisson Salles
Created on Nov 18, 2019

Snapshot to avoid complaints from dishonest users

We know Pressero is a safe platform and there's no chance of incorrect data is being placed in a product unless the user types it. But we already had situations involving dishonest users that said they didn't type some information that was printed in a specific product. We always clarified this kind of issue, but I guess it would be very useful if Pressero could take a snapshot when the user clicks on the approval box and the product goes to the shopping cart. AliExpress does it for al l orders and it doesn't need to be stored for a long time - I think 60 days are enough.

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  • Amanda Hansen
    Nov 22, 2019

    We have had instances where Edoc has errored on a template and put stuff in the user did not approve. I would question possibly how your template is set up. a user can override the template settings on things if they reenter it twice. Lets say the phone number is strickly dashes 555-555-5555 but the user can reissue approve the document then change the format the 2nd time its edited to whatever they want as edoc does not refresh the same settings again. We have had it where incom has printed on the phone numbers because of this. We have had it where they dont add an image from a drop down and it show that on the proof but when we send it to production it selects the first image in the drop down due to coding. So I would make sure its not your template first before hand. 

  • Bill Casey
    Nov 21, 2019

    Cool idea. A screen capture of the eDoc editing screen taken at the moment the user clicks add to cart with date and time stamp.


    The dishonest user will still say that they didn't approve it that way.