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Created by Jim Riddles
Created on Sep 27, 2019

Adjust Due Date Relative to When an Order is Approved

We have some customers who take days to approve their user's orders.  Not all of the time, but often enough.  We also typically set the due date for most print on demand products to 2 days.  This becomes an issue when the approver waits 2 or 3 days to approve the order.  Then, once it is injected into PressWise, the job is either due that day, or past due already.  It is a problem for all products, because we also offer custom decorated apparel that typically takes 12-14 days to produce.

We would love to see the due date that is generated by Pressero be based on the date of approval, rather than the date of order.  For sites that do not have an approval process setup, it won't matter because the jobs are approved immediately.  For sites that do have an approval process setup, it alleviates the need for us to touch the order once it is injected and correct the due date.

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  • Katherine Padgett
    Oct 8, 2019

    Yes! This is a huge issue for us as we do a lot of pick-n-pack with quick turnarounds. If the turnaround time is 2 days, but the customer sometimes takes 5 days to approve this requires a manual step from our team every time. 


    Also, it would be great to have a reminder email go out for orders that are not approved in 24 or 48 hours (with the ability to set this timeframe per approval plan). Right now, this is another item we are doing manually.