To have the "Favourite" feature for user to add their favourite product (B2C, B2B)
Everytime user may browse through the website and found something interested in, but can't decide whether to order or not yet. With Favourite feature, user can come back later and place the order once decided, rather than to forget what they wante...
Our network has recently had multiple client requests for the ability to show/sort products by most recently added (newest to oldest). This could be a useful feature for the client-facing interface and help users find what they are looking for mor...
Most pages in Pressero shows 25 items per page by default. It isn't enough. I frequently need to change the view to 100 items. I don't always want to search. Please change the default to a larger number like it is on the pricing engine page. Or at...
Example; Toggle like many sites, between a main and secondary language same site; e.g. English/ French Canada, English/ Spanish U.S. again, within the same site and or then by any measure; Location, User, Group etc.
I have just recently been forced to go into the file manager's upload folder to clean out files. Specifically, we had someone attempt to upload a large number of files this weekend. I wanted to delete them to prevent our sales reps from accidental...
The current site skins, although clean, feel dated. I think Pressero could benefit heavily from new, robust and flexible skins that follow design trends. Some of our clients who we created sites for on Pressero have requested this as well.
Currently there is no way to rearrange the slides on our home page without deleting slides or starting over. This is a pain when there are links on the slides. We are trying to add new slides monthly and when we do we would like the new slides to ...
Color code the items in the side bar so they are easier to find
It would be nice if some of the items in the sidebar were color coded to make them easier to find quickly. An example would be under Sites, make Products one color, User Management another color, etc. They wouldn't all need to be color coded. Just...
The Pressero search function currently searches only the Page Title and the Short Description on product pages. It would be good if the search function could look at the long description, and even the SEO fields on all pages of a website.