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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Created by Alyssa Curtis
Created on Sep 1, 2023

Cancelled Line Items - zero out Price field

we have found that on reporting, the order total reflects all products on the order regardless of status. it would be nice to have the system zero out a line when the status becomes cancelled. this would cause the order total on reporting to be more accurate and be able to review one line verses trying to determined what is cancelled/not. this could be a site setting, because I can envision not every company using the program would want to have the cancelled line zero'd out.

in addition, we have found that this is also confusing for the customer when they receive their order completed email. it reflects the order total and then notes cancelled at the bottom. They are never sure how much they are actually being charged. Making the adjustment called out above, would eliminate a lot of this confusion.

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