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Color-code jobs in the list by status

I work with printjobmanager in a fast paced environment of a printing company. My primary task with printjobmanager is marking correct job statuses. I was having difficulties using the software because the list or orders was difficult to read. I s...
Guest over 1 year ago in PrintJobManager / List View 0 New Idea

Reports for Independent Page Forms

If a form is displayed on an independent page - ie. not connected to a product or at checkout - the data collected on that form is sent via email but cannot be compiled into a report. I would like to see a new Data/Form Report that accumulates inf...
Olivia MacLachlan over 4 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 1 New Idea

Import .xls for inventory

To save time
Thomas Barbier over 1 year ago in Pressero / Inventory 0 New Idea

Predefined messages for notes

When creating a quote, job, it would be interesting to have the possibility to have a list of predefined messages to be selected and customised by us for each of the free fields such as Production note, Customer notes for the job, Customer notes f...
Thomas Barbier over 1 year ago in PrintJobManager / Jobs 0 New Idea

Flat price group

In some cases, it would be interesting to define a positive or negative flat price group instead of a percentage. Is it possible to implement this feature? Thank you.
Thomas Barbier over 1 year ago in PrintJobManager / Price Groups 0 New Idea

Notification of Upcoming Changes Before Release

Once thing that I have never been thrilled about is how Aleyant will release an update, and only after will you notify your customers. Sometimes after the update has been out for a few days. I would love to see a pre-release notification with the ...
Jim Riddles about 5 years ago in Pressero 5 New Idea

Assign default production queues to tFlow products

The ability to assign default production queues to products in tFlow would help reduce the chance of errors when jobs are produced. 057-28883C82-0B0C
Bart Shafer over 3 years ago in tFLOW 6 In Review

Rush order projected shipping date versus standard shipping projected shipping date

We can add Rush order pricing in our pricing engine, but we cannot make the projected shipping date reflect the projected shipping date for Rush order vs. Standard order. This is a big problem.
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Ability to reprocess webhooks from order page

Had a few instances where no webhook events were logged, even with the appropriate settings. This results in them not being to be refired without reprocessing the order or having to manually process the order. Also isn't noticeable as no error is ...
Blake Laurie over 1 year ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Assigning assets to a category of products

Assets can be assigned to the whole site, to specific produts, specifi users of group of users. It wouls be useful to assign assets to categories of products
Guest over 3 years ago in Pressero / Misc 0 New Idea