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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Categories Pending Orders
Created by Cynthia Emblem
Created on Mar 23, 2022

Limit to the number of times the same item can be added to the cart

Adding functionality to limit the number of times a product can be added to the cart at the product level, so items like OnDemand Business cards can be added multiple times since they would have unique variable information (assumed and accepted as true), but other products cannot be added twice.

  • Currently we have "gross abusers" that add items to their cart multiple times. Therefore, the limits that are set in the pricing calculator are easily overridden when they just add products to the cart multiple times. Thus, causing the order to fail the clients Chief Compliance Protocols and increased time printing or picking the same item multiple times and then creating many extra man hours per day.

  • To catch these, we have approval processes in place to review every order and approve or deny any items that are duplicated in the cart manually. This is very time-consuming, manual process. Many of our orders average 15-46 items. And because it is a limit on the Pressero side, we do not require our client to handle the approvals, as it would be a burden to them. And we would still need to handle the admin by doing the following steps listed here:

  • We approve or deny at the job item level, then for all denied item(s),

        • then we update status to cancelled item in Pressero, and then again in our MIS system. We spend on average 9 hours a day checking and approving/denying and then cancelling jobs.

This current workaround is not scaleable. And with the Pending Approval workflow not allowing Cancelling order at that level. Causes even more manual time management.

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  • Cynthia Emblem
    Sep 3, 2022

    We had this custom developed by Professional Services and is working great.