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Created by Allen Boyce
Created on Jan 12, 2022

Show name of PJM product engine on Pressero product pricing tab

When a subscriber uses a PrintJobManager product engine for a product on a Pressero storefront they assign the product engine to the product in Pressero in the Pricing tab of the product. In Step 2 they choose the APJM external service plugin and then a second window opens up for the MIS Product ID - The MIS Product ID is the Integration ID assigned to the product engine in PJM -

Once they populate the MIS Product ID field they select Create Pair. Once this is completed the Price Engine Pairings area just shows the APJM plugin name -

This makes it difficult for subscribers months later to remember exactly which product engine from PJM they are using. This is an issue when pricing or other parameters of the product engine need to be adjusted.

Please adjust the pricing tab so when a PJM product engine is assigned to a product in Pressero and saved the actual product engine name from PJM is shown instead of the name of the Plugin pricing engine -

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