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Workspace Pressero
Categories Pricing Engines
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 9, 2019

Ability to hide Pricing Engine inputs based on selection in another field - i.e. dropdown choice of "custom" reveals dimension input

We have an item that can be ordered in 2 standard sizes, but also can be ordered at a custom size.  This way the customer can choose what he/she wants.  Right now the custom size fields have to be visible and can be very confusing to the customer.  Also, if they choose a standard size AND type in numbers in the custom size fields, the prices of the 2 are added together.  No bueno!

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    Lisa Thompson
    Mar 16, 2021

    Hi Jim - I'm happy to share a video showing how this can be accomplished. The links have expirations on them, however - so if you aren't able to reach the link, just reach out to me at and I'll be happy to change the expiration on the links at that time. The links are set to a company-wide expiration timeframe that I can't override.

    Here's the Knowledge Base article on setting up a spreadsheet pricing engine:

    Also, you can download a sheet here:

    spreadsheet calculator pricing engine example

    I did use suppression, which I don't think is something covered in the KB article, but it is described . I just put a True statement in column C next to the size, so if the choice isn't shown in the list of sizes when the selection is made, it won't display the empty cells. I did this screencast for a specific user, so the ending is obviously pointed direct to the client.

    Here is a screencast of me describing how the spreadsheet calculator above works

  • Jim Riddles
    Mar 1, 2021


    Trent mentioned that there are webinars explaining how this can be accomplished. Can you or he post a link to the webinars? Or is it only possible with the help of Professional Services?

  • Guest
    Feb 25, 2021

    Thanks, Lisa - good to hear from you! I'll check with Kevin about the Professional Services dept. I'm so anxious to know this that I may just foot the bill myself if I have to. :)

  • Admin
    Lisa Thompson
    Feb 25, 2021

    Hi Jim - I have been able to create suppression spreadsheet pricing engines, where choices appear based on another option. If you are still interested, please submit a ticket at, and choose the Professional Services department. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Jim Riddles
    Jan 3, 2020


    You mention that this is capable in a Spreadsheet Pricing Engine.  How can that be accomplished?  I have a solid working knowledge of the Speadsheet method, but I have never seen anything about being able to hide/display options based on currently selected options.  That would be awesome!

  • Trent Foreman
    Sep 17, 2019

    Hi Jim, in Pressero a Spreadsheet Pricing Engine has this ability. This is also a functionality of our MIS software, PrintJobManager ( with the abiliy to use suppressions. Suppresions with PrintJobManger can allow you to have your pricing engines set up with a set of intelligent questions. So based on what option you choose, a second question could appear. We also have a couple of webinars that show that functionality.

  • Amanda Hansen
    Sep 12, 2019

    I know not the best workaround but maybe possibly doing its own custom product , and one thats a standard size product option.