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Ideas Portal
Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Categories Pending Orders
Created by Groseille Team
Created on Sep 15, 2021

Marks as paid without sending email notification


Before the release of the new pending area in Pressero, we were able to mark an order as paid without sending any confirmation/payment notification, which was useful for us.

Now whatever we do with a pending order (mark as paid, convert to order), there's always a notification sent. We would like to somehow be able to get this previous behaviour back. Thanks.

  • Attach files
  • MIik Martorell
    Aug 6, 2024

    I have had multiple customers come on to pick up an order after paying for it as an invoice payment and receiving a order completed email. There as got to be a way to create a payment complete step that won't trigger an email.

  • Groseille Team
    Dec 21, 2021

    Hi Chris, yes you got it all right, I was just mentioning that there was a different behaviour before the implementation of the pending orders area. Thanks.

  • Admin
    Chris Beaven
    Dec 20, 2021

    Hi Groseille,

    Yes, that is very specific to your store.

    If we continue to get more requests for this idea we will review and put in production. As it stands now it does not have enough value for most of our users to warrant production.

    Also, your needs really have nothing to do with pending orders. If I understand you correctly your just attaching files to a customers account so they can view and download. This would be something we add to the customer settings page on the storefront and within the sites users area in admin.

    Let me know if I'm on the mark there.

    Thank you for all your feedback.

  • Groseille Team
    Dec 20, 2021

    Hi Chris, thank you for your answer.

    I know our usage for this is very specific so I don't even know exactly how to explain it.

    Sometimes we use sort of "fake orders" to store small files like QR codes for customers that don't have ordered anything yet, so they can find these files in their history if needed.

    As we can't upload files to a pending order, we have to convert it to a real order. However this sends a notification and we would like to avoid it in this case.

  • Admin
    Chris Beaven
    Dec 17, 2021

    The first two comments added are about the cancelation / deletion of a pending order and would be better associated with this idea.

    You will be happy to know that we are going to merge that idea with the order deletion feature that is now in planning phase.

    This idea is all about emails sent when a pending order is changed and we will keep it here with no change for now.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • Admin
    Chris Beaven
    Dec 14, 2021

    Hi Groseille Team!

    Could you elaborate on why it's useful for your company to not send out email confirmation of payment please?

    I ask because this item may be of very low effort for our team and maybe we can implement it Q1 2022.


  • Thomas Barbier
    Nov 24, 2021

    It would be interesting to be able to integrate the cancellation of this pending order so that the customer can no longer use it.

  • Guest
    Oct 27, 2021

    Finalize button should not trigger any notification

    In the past, when a customer placed an order using an integrated payment method, if there were a payment failure, the order would go into Pressero, and no notification was generated.

    Currently, this same situation generates an order placed in Pending Orders (which is correct). However, if an admin user wants to cancel a specific order, they must click on the "Finalize" button. This action will generate a real order and will trigger a New Order notification.

    I agree with the first part, but the problem is that the print buyer receives a new order notification when the main reason is to cancel the order, which leads to a lot of confusion with the buyer.