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Workspace Pressero
Categories Email Notifications
Created by Kelly Mellert
Created on Jun 2, 2020

Site or Platform is down email notification

In addition to receiving an email notification for a Pressero or e-Doc release, I'd like to be notified when either of these services are not working or if my site is down so I can prepare my team to answer an influx of customers calls and plan my day accordingly.

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  • Jim Riddles
    Mar 31, 2021

    That's a nice tool. Unfortunately since it only reports whether or not the site was available, it isn't really useful for reporting intermittent issues that can occur. I thought the entire point of the Aleyant dashboard was to do this very thing, though. Couldn't Aleyant use the same tool to automatically report downtime on their services, or build a similar tool?

  • Admin
    Lisa Thompson
    Mar 31, 2021

    I use this free tool that watches all of the sites I'm interested in knowing if they go down at any given time:

    I get emails when the site is down, and then back up again. That way I'm not depending on systems to update (manually) a status page to be notified. It also gives me a history of downtimes.

  • Trent Foreman
    Mar 23, 2021

    Jim, I'm passing this along to the Infra team to have them take a look.

  • Jim Riddles
    Mar 11, 2021

    FYI, I am signed up for notifications, however, I never received a notification of the recent issues on Pressero. Not to mention that I reported an issue this morning that I was told is being reported by multiple subscribers but doesn't appear anywhere on the dashboard.

  • Jim Riddles
    Mar 8, 2021

    Awesome, thanks!

  • Admin
    Lisa Thompson
    Mar 8, 2021

    Hi Jim,

    You can subscribe to email notifications when systems are down: It goes out if you subscribe to the service.

  • Jim Riddles
    Mar 1, 2021


    I just wanted to confirm that when you state that "This has been implemented now." that it means that automated emails will go out to subscriber administrators when there is an issue with Pressero or eDocBuilder. Is that the case?

  • Admin
    Lisa Thompson
    Feb 25, 2021

    This has been implemented now. There is a link to the "Health Status of our Products":
    To check the status of our software products, please visit:
    Navigate to the bottom of the page, and you can sign up for (email) updates.

  • Trent Foreman
    Jun 9, 2020

    This we are working on.

  • Jim Riddles
    Jun 3, 2020

    Fantastic idea. +1 from me.