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Adding Dynamic Edoc Templates to Pressaro Kits

It would be very neat to be able to have kits that have dynamic products, For example a new employee box that contains a personalized notepad, a Business Card, 2 uniform shirts with name, some custom pens. One could easily create a file that has t...
Kylie Cartwright almost 2 years ago in Pressero / Kits 0 New Idea

Allow the view of Multiple PDF Pages at one time while Customizing a template

It would be nice to have the ability to view more than one page at a time while customizing an eDocBuilder template, so that customers can compare the information in fields throughout the entire layout without having to toggle back and forth betwe...
Angelica Holland 11 months ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

zip code autocomplete

Please make shipping forms auto-complete city and state fields by typing in a zip code.
Toby Harbanuk over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 4 New Idea

Add MultiSafepay as a payment method

Adding MultiSafepay as a payment method for Pressero.
Thomas Barbier 4 months ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 0 New Idea

InDesign Templates should use trim- bleed- and mediabox

When creating an eDocBuilder template from InDesign - which I would consider the more professional approach over doing so from the eDocBuilder editor - page boxes (defined by Bleed and Slug in InDesign) are ignored and the Mediabox (Slug) is used ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Highlight Errors in HTML & VB

While field scripting it would be nice if when an error occurs in the script that it would highlight where the problem is rather then just stating the position. I use an online character counter to help me find where the error may be but this can ...
Tiffany Mintern over 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 2 New Idea

Allow multiple material categories in Product Engine

Hi Team, At present when we create a material, we can select material from below options: Specific Material(s) All Materials in this Category All Materials All Materials with this Width and Height Can we have another option to add multiple categor...
Sumit Maheshwari 9 months ago in PrintJobManager / Product Engines 0 New Idea

Limit to the number of times the same item can be added to the cart

Adding functionality to limit the number of times a product can be added to the cart at the product level, so items like OnDemand Business cards can be added multiple times since they would have unique variable information (assumed and accepted as...
Cynthia Emblem almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Pending Orders 1 New Idea


Allow to set inventory levels across multiple facilities using the same material resource. Looking into leveraging the inventory tracking, and you are only allowed to assign a material to (1) bin and set it's starting inventory. We have 9 location...
Lew Airth over 3 years ago in PrintJobManager / Inventory & Inventory Tracking 1 In Review

File upload progress bar

When uploading a file, a progress bar is needed
Guest about 3 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 1 New Idea