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Dashboard expansion

Can you add the ability for the customer to choose more than top 10 items on the dashboard? Maybe top 20 and 30 as well as top 10. Also, can you add a widget for a breakdown of items ordered from Categories?
Cami Lawson 4 months ago in Pressero / Misc 0 New Idea

Customize Invoice Title and Descriptions for PrintSmith Vision Integration

Currently, when an order comes into PrintSmith Vision from Pressero's embedded services integration, the Pressero order number is used for the Invoice Title "WSF-###" and the Pressero product name is used for the line item description. It would be...
Guest 4 months ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 0 New Idea

Create a Tag for 'Additional Information' at the item level, and 'ship to email,' for each address.

Everyone would benefit from these fields being visible on the back end. Currently, only 'order information' is able to be pulled into email alerts. If there are comments on an item level, how will our fulfillment team know? Also, there is an email...
Guest 3 months ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Denied item moving to main order list ( in case of multiple items only) should arrive as Order Cancelled instead of Order Received.

Currently in case of multiple items in an order let's say Item-1 and Item-2. Item 1 is approved. Item 2 is denied. In the above scenario Item 1 along with Item-2 gets moved from pending to main order list as 0.00 in total but the status of denied ...
Piyush Bilgaiyan over 2 years ago in Pressero / Pending Orders 3 New Idea

The ability to customize the shipping method at a product level

Quite often there are certain products which require a unique shipping method not applicable to other products in the store and it would be good if there was a way of customizing the shipping options at a product level. For example a printer may o...
Guest about 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Show payment service errors for rejected transactions on details for the order

When a site user attempts to pay for an order using an integrated payment method, show the return error from the payment service on the details for the order. For example, a few years ago, we would show the message from for a failed ...
Bart Shafer about 3 years ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 1 New Idea

Allow addition of Address while creating Site users

At present when you create a user you are required to add the details and then save the user in order to get an Address book option so that the address can be added. It would be great if we can add all the details together so that we can save ever...
Sumit Maheshwari 12 months ago in Pressero / Users & User Groups 1 New Idea

Forms that support conditional logic for an item selected from a list.

When selecting an item in a list, being able to insert an appropriate followup question for what was selected. Example, Selecting "Referral" from a "How did you hear about us?"drop down menu then displays a sub list for "Customer, Friend, Neighbor...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero 2 Future consideration

Release Date Field

A field that will allow a product to become visible at a certain date or time. Right now all you can do is turn off the site groups or have it set to expired and add it back in manually on the date.
Ryan Motz 6 months ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Edit Order - Ability to See and Edit Forms

Having the ability to see and edit a form within the edit order section would be great. Currently, we can only see a form's response on the PDF of the Job Detail or if it is currently active a report is ran. If we are looking at past orders, we ca...
Alyssa Curtis 9 months ago in Pressero / Misc 0 New Idea