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Break down of UPS pricing per location

It would be nice to have Pressero show the price of shipping UPS per location on orders with multiple items going to different locations. Right now it is set up to give a total price for UPS for all locations combined.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Make rearranging workflow steps easier.

If you need to move one workflow between two others, currently in the destination position, you have to edit each following step before you can more it into place.
George Mixco almost 5 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 1 New Idea

Change the sort order in order conformation on a storefront

Currently at the storefront level a customer views their order conformation, it shows the items listed by item name. This becomes confusing for the customer. a change or an option should be available that allows for the conformation to show the it...
Trent Foreman almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Reporting / User Interface 0 New Idea

Integration Synchronization Lookback Period is 30 Days - Change to 7 days

When you first turn on Integration using Embedded Services you have an option to 'Synchronize' orders. When selected it will go back 30 days (according to the documentation) and pull orders for whatever sites you have selected. My opinion is that ...
Danny Wilson almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 2 New Idea

Add a Product "Launch Date"

In the same manner in which you can set a product's "expiration date" and the product will be deactivated from the site, there should be a "launch date" in which the product is deactivated until that date. This is helpful for client launch dates a...
Olivia MacLachlan almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Payment Methods (PayPal Hosted and CIM)

Pressero has discontinued PayPal Pro so a switch to one of the hosted checkouts is required. After testing both PayPal Hosted Checkout and CIS I can say that I am not impressed. Both are "janky" implementations that leave the user co...
Bill Casey almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Have user export show all groups the user is part of instead of just 5.

When you export the user list from Pressero it shows only 5 of the groups the users are assigned to. We have sites with twice that number of groups and some users say a corporate user may order for every group. If you have many users that have bee...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Users & User Groups 4 New Idea

Configurable Vendor Portal

The vendor portal, or "Job Report Dashboard," is a bit of a hot mess, and I'm not a fan of propping up badly designed vendor emails with an even more poorly designed web portal. That being said, if the vendor portal had some basic configurations i...
Brian Coale about 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / Misc 1 New Idea

PayPal payment method to follow the same "Order Cancelled" if unpaid workflow

Per a current update, if a user doesn't successfully pay for an order, the order arrives in admin as Order Cancelled until the payment is received. However, this is not the case if the site uses an external payment method such as PayPal. It would ...
Olivia MacLachlan about 5 years ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 4 New Idea

Custom Notifications triggered by Product attribute

Some clients want to be notified when certain products are ordered b/c they want to monitor them, but they don't need to be approved and the client doesn't want the additional responsibility of approvals. This would be especially helpful on larger...
Guest over 2 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea