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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Categories Payments & Taxes
Created by Olivia MacLachlan
Created on Feb 7, 2020

PayPal payment method to follow the same "Order Cancelled" if unpaid workflow

Per a current update, if a user doesn't successfully pay for an order, the order arrives in admin as Order Cancelled until the payment is received. However, this is not the case if the site uses an external payment method such as PayPal. 

It would be helpful for our fulfillment teams if all payment methods had consistent order processes in order to prevent shipping out unpaid orders. 

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  • Trent Foreman
    Mar 6, 2020

    Hi Olivia, PayPal should be following the same workflow, that if the order isn't paid, it shows up as "order cancelled" first before changing to the appropriate starting status.

    I will tell you,, and Jim,, that we're working on a update to the checkout workflow architecture that will make this not have to happen.. so that unless the order is truly paid for it won't hit the order screen. I am going to link this idea to that feature so that I can keep track of it and update this idea once that new feature is released.

  • Olivia MacLachlan
    Feb 28, 2020

    Jim, I reached out to Support because our site used to work this way so I thought something was wrong. This was the response I received: "For the credit card payment methods in which the user leaves the Pressero site to pay (Paypal Standard), the order is marked as order received even if the order hasn't been paid.... The Paypal Standard method has behaved like this since we added it to Pressero years ago. I apologize for the confusion that was caused earlier this month when we unintentionally changed this behavior and marked the orders as cancelled. If you prefer that behavior, you are welcome to suggest it on our idea portal"

  • Trent Foreman
    Feb 14, 2020
    Thank you Olivia and Jim, I’ll confirm this and follow up with you.
  • Jim Riddles
    Feb 12, 2020

    Odd, I believe it works exactly that way for our PayPal integration.  It is also an external integration, and when a user proceeds to pay for an order, but does not complete it, it appears as cancelled in Pressero.

    You're saying it doesn't work that way for you?