Allow promotion codes to apply to the entire order total
Currently, when creating a promotion code, you can only have the code affect the following 8 items: Amount off Subtotal
% Discount off Subtotal
Amount off Shipping & Handling
% off Shipping & Handling
Amount off Specific Product
% off...
Show name of PJM product engine on Pressero product pricing tab
When a subscriber uses a PrintJobManager product engine for a product on a Pressero storefront they assign the product engine to the product in Pressero in the Pricing tab of the product. In Step 2 they choose the APJM external service plugin and ...
Allen Boyce
about 3 years ago
in Pressero / Products
In Planning Phase
On the checkout page the first thing the user sees is Payment Method. If you have 4 payment methods active on your site, then the user sees 4 buttons. If the user clicks on a button it becomes the active payment method. There is a visual indicator...
We use promo codes for special projects or promotions that our client then needs to gather data on. If the user has trouble implementing that promo code or misses the promo code altogether, we would like the ability to apply the applicable promo c...
Olivia MacLachlan
over 3 years ago
in Pressero
In Planning Phase
Under 'Pending Orders' admin side - Add a 'Save Setting' button like on 'All Orders' so that fields can be moved, resized and will hold positions.
Under 'Pending Orders' admin side - Add a 'Save Setting' button like on 'All Orders' so that fields can be moved, resized and will hold positions like in the main orders listing. This will help to make pending orders more manageable. 08D-28B12A07-...
Show the address Business Name field on the Edit Order > Detail window
Show the address Business Name field on the Edit Order > Detail window that shows when you first edit an order in Pressero admin. Reasoning behind this idea is that as a subscriber using B2B sites when I'm taking the order details and entering ...
Pending Orders Filter Updated - All but Do not contain Denied
Need to be able to filter pending orders area with a Does Not Contain Denied or Cancelled so we can see all that are pending either payment or approval at one time. If Denied orders will live in this area forever, then we need to be able to filter...