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Categories Pending Orders
Created by Cynthia Emblem
Created on Dec 23, 2021

Pending Orders: Deny Entire Order and Cancel Entire Order function needed

When an order requires some items to be approved, but others do not require approval, ability to override all items, even items that did not require an approval, either by Denying or Cancelling Order is needed.

"Deny Entire Order" button to override existing "approved" by default items and all pending approval items.

"Cancel Order" button, to cancel entire order from Pending approval and arrive to the Main Order list as "Order Cancelled" Status not "Order Received" status. (AND so that OrderItemStatus flag in JSON shows as "Order Cancelled")

And Denied item moving to main order list should arrive as Order Cancelled instead of Order Received.

Some reasons this is needed:

1. We are out of stock on an inventory item and backorders are not allowed and the item does not have an approval workflow, and already marked as Approved. With at least one item without inventory we cannot Finalize the order to ship the items that are available. It is just stuck in pending.

2. If payment is not received on order and the does not require approval, we need to be able to cancel it.

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  • Jessica Andersen
    May 31, 2023

    Agreed! In need to clean up pending but all denied orders are stuck there indefinately. It is cumbersome to not have the ability to move over as a canceled order.