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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2019

Production Job Notes area on Job Orders - not visible to customer

A notes field for internal notes about an order for production that is not visible to the Customer.  All current note fields in Pressero job currently are visible in the Job Status window.  There is not a place to write information that is needed for production notes, that the customer does not need to see, but needs to print on the production work order.

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  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2022

    This is still needed. We have to keep these notes in a separate system or paper file, we need the job notes to follow the job for future reprint requests.

  • Lauren Jacobson
    Nov 8, 2019

    It would also be nice to pass this information through any of the MIS integrations.

  • Amanda Hansen
    Sep 24, 2019

    yes along with workflows should also be hidden from the customer, we name our workflows based on what vendor they go to i didnt notice till recently that these show up on the user side which has brought some questioning to us.