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Categories Email Notifications
Created by Scott Hillbrand
Created on Jun 24, 2020

Limit information the user can see in order history

Can we make it so that the end user cannot see the name and email address of the person who updates the status of a job? [See attached]

This is useful information for me as the admin for all my sites but I can't think of any reason the end user (or anyone other than site admins) needs to know WHO changed the status of their job.

  • Attach files
  • Cynthia Emblem
    Jul 11, 2020

    Hi. We use the HTML heading section and use this code to hide our emails for our users for all our sites, works well. It keeps the status, but removes the names and emails from users.

    <style type="text/css">

    .statusItemUser {display: none;} /*hides our user email addresses from the status updates*/
