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Ideas Portal
Status Released
Workspace Pressero
Created by Sheli Cordero
Created on Nov 18, 2019

Add "Empty Cart" Button

Adding a new button that when clicked it would empty the cart by removing all items that are in the cart. Have a secondary action that prompts “are you sure” before clearing the items.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 17, 2021


    I actually don���t know how that got added. It says guest user��� It looks like an email I had with Aleyant support got added.
    I would never add my signature to an idea.

  • Guest
    Nov 17, 2021

    Can you tell me why I���m getting these emails? Seemed to just start today.


  • Admin
    Chris Beaven
    Nov 17, 2021

    Hi Donna,

    I want to learn more of how all your information is being added to Aha!

    How are you replying to notifications?

    Via email?

    Please describe.

    Thank you

  • Guest
    Nov 17, 2021


    It looks like a comment may have been posted on my behalf through Aleyant. It has all my information posted along with it.
    Can you please remove my information from the post? (See picture below) I don���t like that all my information appears.

  • Admin
    Chris Beaven
    Nov 17, 2021

    Thanks everyone for contributing to this feature!

    Changes to original idea

    We released this feature with differences from what was originally described. The problem isn't that we need our customers to easily delete all items in a cart, the problem was a slow cart page not allowing quick deletion of items.

    The root of the problem was shipping calculations happening with every change to the cart. These calculations were taking a long time to return.


    In order to fix the slowness of the cart we needed to pull the shipping calculation away from the cart page. This caused a complete restructuring of the entire checkout flow. Previously we had the cart > checkout. Now the flow is, cart > shipping > checkout. (this is a vast simplification of all that went into this feature)

    On the cart page you will see a tremendous increase in cart adjustment plus the added feature of quick add to cart from saved for later.

    Also, you will find an empty cart button next to each open cart in the site Open Carts & Saved for Later area.

    Please let us know any issues or questions about this feature.


  • Alisson Salles
    Oct 4, 2021

    Hi guys, why did you not implement this simple and useful feature when you changed all shopping cart and checkout structure and flow?

  • Shoukrey Nijmeh
    May 6, 2020
    1. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show in Pressero admin? : Both Admin and Client/User side

    2. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show on the storefront cart page? Yes

    3. Are you are aware that each individual item in cart on the the storefront has a remove button? Yes we are aware

    4. Please provide a quick statement on how this functionality will help you, or your customers, be more productive while using Pressero. : we have clients that order multiple items at one time and we also have clients that reorder previous carts. Sometimes with the lag of the site they hit the reorder button twice and they end up having to delete one item at a time. We had a client today take one and ½ hours to delete 65 items of the cart because they double clicks on re-order

    The other option is to have a Check box next to the item(s) and let the user select the items they want to delete and have an update bottom that would allow the user to delete the item(s).

    Another feature that should go with this is to have the quantity editable in the shopping cart

    See image below for example in link below

    Thank you


  • Sheli Cordero
    Apr 22, 2020

    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. Yes

  • Lisa Thompson
    Apr 22, 2020
    1. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show in Pressero admin?

    2. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show on the storefront cart page?

    3. Are you are aware that each individual item in cart on the the storefront has a remove button?

    4. Please provide a quick statement on how this functionality will help you, or your customers, be more productive while using Pressero.
      A clear all/empty cart button or a check box next to each item in the cart, so you can select all or some to clear any/all items in your cart would be a helpful for users (as others have stated - when there are multiple items in the cart, this function would be helpful). Having it for each individual item is already good, having this select feature would be even better.

  • Jim Riddles
    Apr 22, 2020

    See Allison Saille's comment for my answers.

  • Guest
    Apr 21, 2020


    Please see below for my responses.
    1. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show in Pressero admin? No
    2. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show on the storefront cart page? Yes
    3. Are you are aware that each individual item in cart on the the storefront has a remove button? Yes but if you have a large order you have to go through and delete each item one by one and that take quite a bit of time.
    4. Please provide a quick statement on how this functionality will help you, or your customers, be more productive while using Pressero. A one click Empty Cart button will save a tonne of time if there are more than a few items to delete for admin as well as the client. It is important to keep the option open to delete one at a time as well.

    Thank you,

  • Alisson Salles
    Apr 21, 2020

    Hi Chris,

    Here are my answers to your questions:

    01) No

    02) Yes

    03) Yes

    04) When you have a lot of items in the cart, it takes some time to delete all of them, because Pressero refreshes the cart after each deletion. I consider this feature very useful when someone wants to clean all the cart with a simple click.

    Best Regards, Alisson Salles.

  • Admin
    Chris Beaven
    Apr 21, 2020

    Hi everyone!

    I'm the lead UI/UX designer for Aleyant

    Thanks for the votes on this Idea (Add "Empty Cart" Button).

    Our team is discussing the implementation of this idea and we wanted to get more clarity on why you voted. Please answer a few questions to help us implement this idea to best suit your needs.

    1. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show in Pressero admin?

    2. Did you vote on this item expecting the empty cart button to show on the storefront cart page?

    3. Are you are aware that each individual item in cart on the the storefront has a remove button?

    4. Please provide a quick statement on how this functionality will help you, or your customers, be more productive while using Pressero.

    We are committed to making Pressero and all Aleyant apps as powerful and easy to use as possible. Your input is significant in making that happen and most appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • Alisson Salles
    Nov 19, 2019

    Simple and useful feature


Create an "Empty Cart" or "Clear Cart" Button

If you have any amount of items over 1, deleting items from the Pressero cart is often a tedious and slow-moving task. Having an "Empty Cart" or "Clear Cart" button available in the user's cart would cut back on a lot of time spent deleting indivi...
Tom Murtagh almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 1 Released