Custom "Order Completed" notification based on Shipping Method - Example: "Order Ready for Pickup"
Alter "Order Completed" notification based on Shipping Methods. Particularly helpful to allow "Order Ready for Pickup" notifictaions with pickup instructions or address.
This idea would greatly help me. Right now, if I mark and order complete, I have no way to send an email letting the customer know that it was shipped, or being delivered or ready for pickup. I also have no way to know if the order has actually been picked up or if it is sitting in my facility. This would solve these issues.
It would be even better if we could decide what triggers and email.
This idea would greatly help me.
Right now, if I mark and order complete, I have no way to send an email letting the customer know that it was shipped, or being delivered or ready for pickup. I also have no way to know if the order has actually been picked up or if it is sitting in my facility. This would solve these issues.
It would be even better if we could decide what triggers and email.