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Shopping Cart Item Limit

Can we add the functionality of limiting the number of items a user can add to the shopping cart?
Scott Hillbrand over 4 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 1 New Idea

Custom "Order Completed" notification based on Shipping Method - Example: "Order Ready for Pickup"

Alter "Order Completed" notification based on Shipping Methods. Particularly helpful to allow "Order Ready for Pickup" notifictaions with pickup instructions or address.
Olivia MacLachlan about 5 years ago in Pressero / Approvals & Workflow / Email Notifications / Users & User Groups 1 New Idea

Payment Method Momo for Vietnam Customers

We do not have any integrated payment method in Vietnam. As we are exploring Vietnam for sales opportunities, we need to add an integrated Payment method. I had a discussion with Fujifilm Vietnam team and found that Momo is very popular Payment me...
Sumeet Maheshwari about 3 years ago in Pressero 0 New Idea

Reoccurring budgets that end yearly

We would like to suggest having a feature that allows a budget to reoccur monthly/quarterly, but then start over in the new year.
Guest about 1 year ago in Pressero / Budgets & Promotions 0 New Idea

It would be ideal if there was an option for the billing address to automatically filter in from the shipping address that was selected.

Right now the system selects a default Billing address if there is no location attached to the user. If the user list is not setup with locations the billing address is always incorrect. In some cases there is not an option to setup the user list ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Bizum Payment Method for sites

The idea is to incorporate a platform that allows payment through cell phones in Spain. Bizum is already connected to all banks and now has e-commerce integrations.
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero 0 New Idea

Create USPS Media Mail Option for USPSV2 Carrier

Please ensure that the USPS Media Mail option is available to the new USPSV2 Carrier. This is an option that was once available for the older USPS carrier integration but is not available in the most recent one.
Dave Voght over 2 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Adjust Due Date Relative to When an Order is Approved

We have some customers who take days to approve their user's orders. Not all of the time, but often enough. We also typically set the due date for most print on demand products to 2 days. This becomes an issue when the approver waits 2 or 3 days t...
Jim Riddles over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 1 New Idea

There needs to be the ability to add a Handling Charge.

We several customers in our warehouse that pay a handling charge on each item pulled from them. That is independent of the price and shipping, as they prefer to have the price be more enticing, and add the Handling charge, then shipping. We do thi...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero 0 New Idea

Allow Site-Specific Shipping Method Options

It would be great if we could specify shipping method options per site. For instance, the account # to be billed, the surcharge per package, etc. In this way we could simplify the shipping method setup. Currently, we have different surcharges de...
Jim Riddles over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 5 New Idea