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Make an ordering module / price calculator

Can we have an ordering module that can start and order and create an order number too. This could also act as a pricing calculator. Once you start an order, then you can move into a new state called uploading. Ordering and uploading can be two di...
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Add wide hero image areas under the ADD to Cart button

Can we add wide hero image areas under the ADD to Cart button.This could be a beautiful page if we could keep designing under the button. Break the page up so its not just one long thin column down the left and nothing under the right side.
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Products 1 New Idea

Stack information in Order history > View and > emails

Can we stack all these grey info fields and allow them to be wide from west to east? Can we have the ability to control the stack and put important items at teh top and maybe hid redundant non important fields?
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 3 New Idea

Change PrintSmith Vision Integration ship date to recognize company calendar

The current PrintSmith Vision integration uses the current date + 3 days to determine the PrintSmith "wanted by" date. This can be flawed, for example, if an order is placed on a Thursday. The wanted by date on the order in PrintSmith will be due ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 0 New Idea

Proof reminder emails

Include an option in tFlow to send a reminder email if a proof does not get either approved, rejected or a request for change after a set amount of time has elapsed. I.e,, if Proof has had no action taken after three days, send reminder. The durat...
William Riley about 4 years ago in tFLOW 0 In Development

Allow Kitting for Products with Spreadsheet Price Engines

Our pricing model is to complex for UOM or Price List methods and I have increasing need of kitting these products. We use primarily spreadsheet price engines and I have multiple kits. This requires use to create duplicate, dummy products or to ma...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Kits 0 New Idea

Create a Tag for 'Additional Information' at the item level, and 'ship to email,' for each address.

Everyone would benefit from these fields being visible on the back end. Currently, only 'order information' is able to be pulled into email alerts. If there are comments on an item level, how will our fulfillment team know? Also, there is an email...
Guest 8 months ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Shipstation: Add the product image from the order in the information sent to Shipstation

Shipstation: Add the product image from the order in the information sent to Shipstation so that the image can appear on the pick list and reports on that side
Bart Shafer about 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Report Write have the ability to email reports to customers or users when run.

This idea would add the function to report writer that when a new report is created, Pressero then has the ability to email that file to a specific customer, or group of customers as well as any user in Pressero that is assigned. Additional functi...
Trent Foreman over 5 years ago in Pressero 3 New Idea

Include Custom Profile Fields on the Report Writer

Custom Profile Field functionality, is clearly useful to many accounts and users, but it is not possible currently to include Custom Profile Fields in reports written from Report Writer. This would most probably be useful to many.
Bart Shafer almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 1 New Idea