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Ideas Portal
Status In Development
Workspace tFLOW
Created by William Riley
Created on Feb 10, 2021

Proof reminder emails

Include an option in tFlow to send a reminder email if a proof does not get either approved, rejected or a request for change after a set amount of time has elapsed.

I.e,, if Proof has had no action taken after three days, send reminder.

The duration would be set at the customer level, to allow for different proof timing scenarios.

E.g., Acme Widgets always takes a minimum of 5 days to approve a proof. Set reminder email at 7 days.

Having this ability would mean that there would be no need for a CSR/Salesperson to manually track, and potentially fail to follow up on any particular proof, meaning fewer missed deadlines and less time spent on low value tasks such as sending reminder emails manually.

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