Suppress content that contains empty tag results (email notifications)
Ability to hide content if the included tag returns empty. Example: there are 3 address fields available to customers, which few need. It would improve the presentation of emails if you could suppress the entire line for ##CUST_ADDRESS2## and ##CU...
On the checkout page the first thing the user sees is Payment Method. If you have 4 payment methods active on your site, then the user sees 4 buttons. If the user clicks on a button it becomes the active payment method. There is a visual indicator...
Functionality to generate and provide a quote summary estimate for all products in the shopping cart.
Pressero can currently generate an estimate for particular products from the product page, but being able to print a quote or estimate for all products in the shopping cart, prior to checkout can be useful in some situations.
"Customer Pickup" shipping method to auto-populate appropriate pickup address, no ship-to address
If a user selects the "Customer Pickup" shipping method, the ship-to address should either auto-populate to the appropriate pickup address or gray out. Currently, our shipping team receives a lot of competing information with users selecting both ...
Olivia MacLachlan
over 5 years ago
in Pressero
New Idea
It would be nice to add an option to the admin for products to be hidden once their inventory reaches zero so that people cannot be misled and it reduces the amount of micromanaging an admin has to do, thanks!
When we have a shipping method type, "Store pickup", the shipping address of the user profile is displayed on the checkout/shipping page.
To make the user experience better and not confuse the print buyer, it would be helpful that the address ...
Antonio Rosania
about 3 years ago
in Pressero / Shipping
New Idea
Ability to assign an asset to a categrory of products
The assets can be linked to a user, a user group, the whole site ofr a product. It would be useful to be able to link the asset with a category of products.
Add field to show original order date in cases where an approval/payment is not made immediately
Customers that use an approval process for orders need a method to determine when the order was initially placed. Since the new checkout process was added in 2021, the order date that is shown in reports when editing the order as well as what is i...
Under 'Pending Orders' user side - Add a location filter
Users would like the ability to filter based on location in the Pending Orders area so that finding pending orders can be done more efficiently.08D-28B12A07-0B15 & 108-28B1705B-0B2B