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Click through job items in details screen.

Sometimes a customer will place an order with 5-6 different items. It will list all the items in the order but nothing is clickable, so if you want to see the details of the next item, you have to go back to the main screen and then click item num...
Guest about 1 year ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 New Idea

Push users to Mailchimp with revenue spent.

I recently set up the Mailchimp integration with Pressero, and found that not only does it not continously push contacts but it doesn't transfer any information. I think it would be great to push users with revenue spent. In a list of names, you w...
Guest about 1 year ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Show name of PJM product engine on Pressero product pricing tab

When a subscriber uses a PrintJobManager product engine for a product on a Pressero storefront they assign the product engine to the product in Pressero in the Pricing tab of the product. In Step 2 they choose the APJM external service plugin and ...
Allen Boyce about 3 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 In Planning Phase

Add Square as a payment method

Adding square as a payment method for Pressero.
Trent Foreman over 5 years ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations / Payments & Taxes 3 In Development

Unlink Asset when Product is Deleted

Currently when a product is deleted, any linked assets get relinked to a random product. This is concerning and causes confusion. If a product is deleted the asset should either also be deleted, or at the very least it should be unlinked from prod...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Files, Assets, and File Manager 2 New Idea

Integrate Payment Gateway with Pressero Admin

When an order is placed but payment is not made during the Checkout process, the order goes into Pending to await payment. Sometimes, payment is made later by providing credit card information "offline" (customer calls in, stops by the shop, etc.)...
Angelica Holland about 1 year ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 0 New Idea

Email Notifications - Add "Requested By" Info As Default

When looking at email notifications, it can become quite confusing on who placed an order when the Customer Information section on the email notifications defaults to the user account primary address and the primary address changes frequently. It ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Catalog Organization - Don't show 'Only ordered in Kits' products in Catalog

Since products in the "Not a kit, but can only be ordered in kits" product type are not visible on the catalog pages, is there a way to hide them from the catalog organization? We currently use kits for our apparel setup, so it's very difficult to...
Olivia MacLachlan about 1 year ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

Add the Ability to Schedule Widget Banners to Display Based On Dates and Times

We would like to see the option to schedule Widgets to display or not based on a date and time setting like Promotions. Typically a Promotion is accompanied by a Web Banner to promote it. We run many branded stores and have a schedule of Promotion...
William Andringa about 1 year ago in Pressero / Skinning 0 New Idea

Improve the Search Function on Pressero Websites

The Pressero search function currently searches only the Page Title and the Short Description on product pages. It would be good if the search function could look at the long description, and even the SEO fields on all pages of a website.
Lisa Thompson over 3 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 2 New Idea