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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Categories Users & User Groups
Created by Antonio Rosania
Created on Jun 17, 2022

Increase the number of Groups columns in the export users template

Currently, the Export User Template contains 5 columns for Groups. If a user belongs to 6, 7, or 10 groups, the information is not uploaded to the user profile.

In addition, it is modifying the user's profile (by removing groups) when editing other users.

It would be helpful to have more than 5 columns for Groups (probably up to 10 columns would be enough).

  • Attach files
  • Jim Riddles
    Jun 17, 2022

    This was requested in a previous Idea on Feb 18, 2020,

    I would suggest these ideas be merged.

  • Henry Wagner
    Jun 17, 2022

    This is more important than an idea. Export/import of users for the purpose of identifying groups in the wrong area. This export/import should happen within the group management.