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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Created by Steve Roca
Created on Dec 18, 2020

Approval status view

In the admin, it would be great if it would display the multiple levels set up for an order and show what approvals have been done and what approvals are pending without having to open the order. Ex. Approvals needed (if 3 levels, display 1,2,3,) if approved the approval level number would be green and those unapproved levels would be displayed in red. Also it would be great for managers to be able to see how long each approver takes to approve orders on average or by order. This is especially important as many people are working remotely and not paying attention to order approvals. If approvers know a manager can easily see how long it takes them to approve orders they would be more diligent. We have approvers we have to call on a regular basis to remind them to approve orders as we are getting calls for the end user asking why orders are taking so long to be received.

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