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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 11, 2019

Default Sort to "All Orders" in Order History (user end)

The order history section on the user end currently defaults to being filters by "Just my orders" for the 'Ordered By' option, I think it would make more sense to have this default to "All" and then they can filter it down from there as desired. 

I have had a client request this in particular and a number of clients saying that they go to order history and there are no orders, as they do not expect it to already be filtered. 

An option to save filter defaults would also work. 



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    • Guest
      Apr 19, 2021

      I agree with this, but if its not possible to save filters per user, I think starting out with 'All' makes a bit more sense, as typically when you go to 'Filter' you are thinking you are reducing results and many don't expect there to be more listings then the initial view.

    • Jim Riddles
      Dec 16, 2019

      I think the best idea would be to allow saving the filter defaults per user.  Having it default to all could lead to a negative user experience depending on how many orders need to be retrieved.