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Snapshot to avoid complaints from dishonest users

We know Pressero is a safe platform and there's no chance of incorrect data is being placed in a product unless the user types it. But we already had situations involving dishonest users that said they didn't type some information that was printed...
Alisson Salles about 5 years ago in Pressero / Approvals & Workflow / General Settings / Misc / Products / User Interface 2 New Idea

Ability to accept eCheck through

This can potentially save your customers thousands of dollars in credit card fees and opens the door to more business/success... We have been accepting check by fax and email for several years and it is one of the best tools that we have implement...
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 1 New Idea

DETAILED instructions or Walk Thru on Quickbooks Integration with Zapier

Create a DETAILED walk thru or instructions on how to connect to Quickbooks Online with Zapier. After spending hours & days on trying to make this work and still not getting it to work, I realized that I am probably not the only one that has d...
MIik Martorell over 3 years ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 1 New Idea

Being able to print multiple reports

Under Orders, instead of being able to only print one order report, there should be a way to select multiple orders and click print to print all orders selected, and can give you the option to select type of order before printing, for example, sum...
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 1 New Idea

Notification of Upcoming Changes Before Release

Once thing that I have never been thrilled about is how Aleyant will release an update, and only after will you notify your customers. Sometimes after the update has been out for a few days. I would love to see a pre-release notification with the ...
Jim Riddles over 5 years ago in Pressero 5 New Idea

Rush order projected shipping date versus standard shipping projected shipping date

We can add Rush order pricing in our pricing engine, but we cannot make the projected shipping date reflect the projected shipping date for Rush order vs. Standard order. This is a big problem.
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Reports for Independent Page Forms

If a form is displayed on an independent page - ie. not connected to a product or at checkout - the data collected on that form is sent via email but cannot be compiled into a report. I would like to see a new Data/Form Report that accumulates inf...
Olivia MacLachlan over 4 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 1 New Idea

***Admin Modifying a Field

When a field is completed with incorrect information by the customer, the system admin on our side should be able to modify it, i.e. org code, payment amount, etc without having to cancel and reorder the job.
Guest over 2 years ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

Activity Dashboard Addition

Looking for a feature at the Admin level that outlines high level data on all sites. Envisioning a dashboard that could give statistical breakdowns of things like site traffic/visits, site by site order counts, site by site revenue totals, etc. (I...
Scott Hillbrand over 2 years ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

PDF Page B/W & Color Counting Function

PDF File Page B/W & Color Counting Function on Pricing Engines. So we can calculate price for a book from PDF file that user upload. Because Cost between B/W and Color is different.
Luqman Hidayat over 5 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 1 New Idea