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Option to automatically empty cart after specified length of time

I would like to add an option to site settings, probably near the saved for later section, to set a number of days to automatically empty carts after X number of days.
Jim Riddles over 1 year ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

Ability to find out which order a promo code was used with

Often times our customers provide single-use codes to their employees to make personal purchases at a discount. Although I can tell on the Promotion Code page when a code has expired, there is no way to determine what order that code was used for....
Jim Riddles almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Budgets & Promotions 0 New Idea

Remove individual internal contact emails from user's order details

We have had many users reach out to production and shipping team members directly instead of using the intended customer service process. We realized this was due to team members' emails being listed with the status changes on the user's Order Det...
Olivia MacLachlan about 2 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 0 New Idea

PJM Quantity showing on Presero Order

Using a PJM pricing engine to create mandatory product selctions (apparel color, size, etc) results in the Pressero order showing two Quantity values 1) Pressero order quantity defaulting at 1 and 2) the PJM Quantity the user selected. Reaching ou...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 New Idea

Display email address along side name for Assets

When adding an asset it would be helpful to display the email next to the user's name when attaching an asset to a user. The reason for this is we have a customer who changed their email domain and most user's simply create a new account rather th...
Jim Riddles about 2 years ago in Pressero / Files, Assets, and File Manager 0 New Idea

Automatically apply promotion codes before checkout

I understand that the current functionality is the same used on many other online sites. However, I believe it would be a huge boon to our customers if Pressero would automatically apply any entered promotion code before order submission. We have ...
Jim Riddles over 1 year ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Bulk File Download

We really need a way to bulk download print files working on an order right now that has 35 different edoc print files litterally have to open 35 different order line items - click to the file - download the file waaayyyyy too time consuming
April Angel-Wilson about 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / Files, Assets, and File Manager / Products / User Interface 3 New Idea

Do Not Capture Shipping Address if nothing is shipping

We are a print and mail house. Most of our products do not ship to our customer. When a customer is ordering from use they upload a mailing list of their prospects and we mail directly to their prospect. However when a customer is checking out our...
Guest over 3 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Add more order detail to XML file: Backorder status of item

Currently, there is no way to tell if an inventoried product is in backorder status. If the XML had that info in it, we could then treat that item differently than a normal order.
Michael Poulin 9 months ago in Pressero / AWI 0 New Idea

Allow grouping or kit items to have a minimum and max order quantity (Mix and Match)

We have a group of items that are best suited to be separate items but are very similar. We require our customer to order a minimum of ten but it can be any combination of the ten in the group. There is no way to set the minimum as a total group b...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Kits / Pricing Engines / Products 0 New Idea