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Shipping weights on order documents

Getting accurate shipping costs with integrated shipping is a challenge. It is made even more difficult because Pressero does not show the weight used to calculate the shipping charges. Please include the weights in the order reports so that we ...
Bill Casey about 5 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines / Shipping 2 New Idea

USPS Postage

Need a better way to add postage to a job as a separate line item. Currently, I'm using a shipping method that is based on the actual weight of the mail pieces to add a set postage amount, but the customer has to select the correct shipping method...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 1 New Idea

Approval Plans and Projected Ship Date Problem

If a site has an approval process and the projected ship date is set (say 3 days after order) there is a problem if the order is approved after the projected ship date that was set. For example, say that an order was placed on Jan 9th and the proj...
Mark Jones about 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 3 New Idea

Retrieve Correct Shipping Rates for Residential Addresses

When setting up a shipping method there is currently a checkbox to retrieve residential rates.  This is a problem for us because we don't know if the address is a residence or not for some of our customers.  They allow their users to add...
Jim Riddles about 5 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 6 New Idea

Remove "Comments" section on checkout page

This comments section tends to only cause issues as it is often missed, or the client has higher expectations.. We would like the option to remove this completely, instead of leaving it optional to the user/our client. Thanks!
Guest over 3 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Admin inventory history show Order, Job#

For inventory items, have the order number listed for each deduction and a job/lot# added when stock is added to the inventory. The job# serves a lot number so if an item is changed we know that the merchandise was produced under job#123 and the n...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Inventory 1 New Idea

Make "daily" an option for Report Writer frequency

There are some reports that would be helpful to write daily, for example shipping.
Lauren Jacobson about 5 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 3 New Idea

Show the address Business Name field on the Edit Order > Detail window

Show the address Business Name field on the Edit Order > Detail window that shows when you first edit an order in Pressero admin. Reasoning behind this idea is that as a subscriber using B2B sites when I'm taking the order details and entering ...
Bart Shafer almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 In Planning Phase

API Enhancement: Allow API to retrieve data based 'WorkflowStageDate'.

At present it is possible to retrieve the data using Order Start and end date, however it is not possible to retrieve the data using 'WorkflowStageDate' using the API. Please add this feature
Sumeet Maheshwari over 2 years ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Backorder tracking and updating

It is my understanding that Pressero does not track backorders. More and more users are using Pressero to manage their clients inventory and without the ability to track back orders or how many of an item is currently on order (from the order that...
Steve Roca about 4 years ago in Pressero 0 New Idea