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Created by Mark Jones
Created on Jan 9, 2020

Approval Plans and Projected Ship Date Problem

If a site has an approval process and the projected ship date is set (say 3 days after order) there is a problem if the order is approved after the projected ship date that was set. For example, say that an order was placed on Jan 9th and the projected ship date is set for Jan 12, but the order is approved on Jan 15 (the projected ship date stays at Jan 12). There should be some sort of mechanism that changes the projected ship date by a certain amount of days after the order item is approved.

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  • Angelica Holland
    Jul 24, 2023

    It would be helpful to at least have the option to allow automatic adjustment of projected ship dates based on when an order is approved. As other posters have stated, while the system currently bases the date on when the order is placed, it does not adjust if an approval is not provided until the next day or later. This can cause confusion for both the subscriber and end user, and can cause production issues.

    If an order is not approved for a couple days, production time is cut short, unless the subscriber advises the customer "offline" that the ship date must be pushed out, and manually adjusts the date within the order item itself. This is extra work for the subscriber.

    While it is common practice that end users are responsible for approving (or securing approval for) their orders, it may not be clear to them that delayed approval may (and should, in most cases) affect their projected ship date. Since that is also common practice, as long as there is a good process in place for adjusting the dates based on approval and advising the end users as such, it would save subscriber's extra manual work and unnecessary rush turnarounds.

    With that said, not all subscribers will have need for this automatic adjustment, so it should be an option that can be enabled or disabled.

    Ticket 1ED-2C5145FD-0B18

  • Nathan White
    Jan 14, 2022

    we've ran into this issue recently as well. This seemed "buggy" to us (like a software defect) but was told by support that this was intentional. It would be better to have an option to allow for the projected ship date to be adjusted if needed. Especially since an pending / unapproved order is not truly an "order" until the order is paid/approved....this is proven by the summary report not showing the original order date but the date when the order was approved.

  • Alisson Salles
    Jan 10, 2020

    I agree, it's logical!