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Display individual inventory levels for each item in a KIT rather than an inventory for the entire kit.

Display individual inventory levels for each item in a KIT rather than an inventory for the entire kit. This would allow customers to order from current inventory items. The feature would work great for any pre-printed inventories that clients ord...
Jay over 2 years ago in Pressero / Kits 0 New Idea

Vendors - per site

We have a use-case, where printjobs should be submitted via micro-sites, and the order-manager, will then pick Vendors for the different printjobs. The problem appears when we have several micro-sites, i.e. for competetive Vendors, and today the o...
Jesper Brandt over 3 years ago in Pressero / Vendors & Brokers 0 New Idea

Show purchase order number in Order Reports

Show the Purchase Order number on all order reports: Currently, it doesn't display the PO #:
George Mixco almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 3 In Development

Bulk Edit

Need a bulk edit tool for products, users etc.
Craig Chumney over 2 years ago in Pressero / Products 1 New Idea

Split Shipment Option

Can we add a split ship functionality to the shopping cart page? Would love if clients could order say 500 of a product and ship 250 to two different locations without having to place two separate orders of 250 with unique ship to addresses. Tha...
Scott Hillbrand over 5 years ago in Pressero 2 New Idea

Add time cut-off for projected ship days

It would be great to have cut-off times added to the company calendar, so the projected ship days don't count the order day if the order is placed after close of business.
Olivia MacLachlan over 1 year ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 New Idea

Include Part Number in Vendor outsource email notification and order detail page

When a product is ordered which is to to be fulfilled using the Vendor option, the email notification and order detail web page generated does not include the part number, only the product name. This means the vendor does not receive the specific ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 2 New Idea

Enable an alert on a product level for client if "back order" is enabled

Currently, there is an alert when a client orders too much than is in inventory at the top of the product page saying "Unfortunately there is not enough inventory of [PRODUCT NAME]'s to fulfill your request." There is no alert if there is no inven...
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Tracking multiple inventories in single product page

I wish we can track inventory without it being tied to a specific product page. For example I have an item with 3 different sizes, right now I can only use the inventory tracking system for that specific product but not the different sizes within.
Elmon over 4 years ago in Pressero / Inventory 0 New Idea

Better Form Layout Capability - Grouping Form Fields and Altering Field Width

I would like to see the ability to layout product/page forms in a similar way to eDocBuilder forms (see attached). There is the ability to visually group information as well as pairing information to share a line (such as with State and Zip).
Olivia MacLachlan over 4 years ago in Pressero / Misc 0 New Idea