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Automatic "similar products" suggestions

It would be convient to choose btw 2 systems when we want to add similar products to be displayed on a product page : Choose the products one by one (as is today) Automaticaly add all the products belonging to one specific category (or more).
Charlotte BOURDACHE 11 months ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Quick Price Feature - Default Pricing Group

Default markup in the "Quick Price" feature is currently defaulted to 0% Markup. Would be very beneficial to have that dafault markup in the Quick Price to refer to the default markup when jobs are actually entered. Unnecessary added step to make ...
Adam Johnson about 1 year ago in PrintJobManager / General Use 1 New Idea

Ability to export and import material inventory transactions

This would be useful to create reports or update multiple entries at once.
Angeles Estrada about 3 years ago in PrintJobManager / Inventory & Inventory Tracking 0 New Idea

Catalog Organization - Arranging Products

I need a way of easily organizing and arranging the products within a category. With the current setup, once I select a category, I have 1/4 of a screen to work with which only allows me to see 6-8 products within the category at a time which I th...
Guest 11 months ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Edit ablity of price and status of pending orders.

When orders are paid upfront via credit card, then denied approval the total for the product auot adjust to 0 and leaves the shipping cost. However, we credit the whole order as you dont charge for shipping on a product you didnt produce.... it wo...
Jessica Andersen over 1 year ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 0 New Idea

Convert all font text to shapes (outline)

We recently ran into an issue with a vendor, We want to be able to use a wide range of vendors for our operation but sometimes that requires us to make fonts into compound paths- shapes. I would like to see an option on eDoc where all text could b...
Kylie Cartwright over 1 year ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Inventory needs updating

The Inventory module need some serious updating. There are so many basic inventory management standards not available. Physical counts, movement of products in a given time period. MTD and YTD sales if items. A report that shows movement of a give...
David Smith over 1 year ago in Pressero / Inventory 2 New Idea

Limit information the user can see in order history

Can we make it so that the end user cannot see the name and email address of the person who updates the status of a job? [See attached] This is useful information for me as the admin for all my sites but I can't think of any reason the end user (o...
Scott Hillbrand over 4 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 1 New Idea

Sort Shipping Options Lowest Cost > Highest Cost

When customer selects "get rates" for shipping options, it would be very handy if the options populated with the lowest cost at the top (Like Will Call) and the highest cost at the bottom (LIke Next Day Overnight First AM)... Just a small thing th...
Bob Gardner 12 months ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Allow Production Process Description when copying Production Resources

when you do a copy of the Production Recourse it does NOT copy across the “Production Process Description”. Please allow Production Process Description to be copied when copying Production Resources
Sumit Maheshwari 12 months ago in PrintJobManager / Resources 0 New Idea