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Sort Shipping Options Lowest Cost > Highest Cost

When customer selects "get rates" for shipping options, it would be very handy if the options populated with the lowest cost at the top (Like Will Call) and the highest cost at the bottom (LIke Next Day Overnight First AM)... Just a small thing th...
Bob Gardner 12 months ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Need to have add to cart in the Saved for Later Menu

This idea piggy backs on the other idea that I had (EDOC-I-81 Instead of "Finished Editing" it should read "Add to Cart" This has come up a few times now where the client is confused about the green, Finished Editing Button that is in the template...
Jennifer Thomas almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 4 New Idea

Ability to specify customer Integration ID at user level for PressWise integration

The only way to pass the site's Integration ID is at the site level, currently. We have some customers who have multiple companies within PressWise, but only 1 site in Pressero. When we receive an order from one of those companies, we have to manu...
Jim Riddles 8 months ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 0 New Idea

'Order Cancelled, notification on email notifications

So recipients will know when order has been cancelled
Virgilio Perido about 5 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 3 New Idea

Change PrintSmith Vision Integration ship date to recognize company calendar

The current PrintSmith Vision integration uses the current date + 3 days to determine the PrintSmith "wanted by" date. This can be flawed, for example, if an order is placed on a Thursday. The wanted by date on the order in PrintSmith will be due ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 0 New Idea

Allow Kitting for Products with Spreadsheet Price Engines

Our pricing model is to complex for UOM or Price List methods and I have increasing need of kitting these products. We use primarily spreadsheet price engines and I have multiple kits. This requires use to create duplicate, dummy products or to ma...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Kits 0 New Idea

Order history page ideas for change.

In the pressero screen shot, everything in red is not useful.- Pending for example. Put every PENDING order in the order history and if its a pending type order give it a red X or red status. It does not need to be in another place. A customer sho...
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 1 New Idea

Admin Panel - Stackable fields + Long scroll + Order page

Each of these screen shots is a field. Instead of all the tabs at the top, just one long scroll of whats important about an order. Notice you will see areas for editing and saving and buttons to down load files too. Imagine all these pods stacked ...
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

Admin Panel - search customer and order number

The first question we ask a custom that needs help ( in customer service )that needs help is:- Whats your order number- Or whats your email address This takes us right to the page with all the info on the job from files, proofs, shipping info, tra...
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Admin 1 New Idea

Thank You for your order page

This page could be so simple, happy and beautiful. This page and the auto email confirmations page can be clones. - Nice large thumbs ( if your thumbnails are large enough, people might not need to click on them.)- Shipping delivery date and addre...
Patrick Pernice about 1 year ago in Pressero / Approvals & Workflow 0 New Idea