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Log changes done to preferences and sites in Pressero admin, with what admin account made what changes

Sometimes situations arise where changes apparently have been made in Pressero admin, but it is not clear which admin user made the change, or when that change happened. Knowing when these changes have been made and by which admin user, could help...
Bart Shafer over 3 years ago in Pressero / Admin 2 New Idea

Add more order detail to XML file: Number of line items

Currently, there is no way to know that we have received all of the XML for a particular order. If the XML had the total count of line items in it, then we can confirm that all of the XML for an order has been completely received.
Michael Poulin 9 months ago in Pressero / AWI 0 New Idea

Release Date Field

A field that will allow a product to become visible at a certain date or time. Right now all you can do is turn off the site groups or have it set to expired and add it back in manually on the date.
Ryan Motz 12 months ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

Hold on charging a customer until they approve the order.

Customers are looking to enhance the order approval area. As a customer, I would like it to only authorize and approve the purchase amount and then we complete the actual charge upon completion of the job. Currently in Pressero the process for cre...
Trent Foreman over 5 years ago in Pressero 1 New Idea

Ability to download all images that the client has used in template

It would be nice to have the option to download images that the client has uploaded to the template. Occasionally we need to make adjustments to the image or if there is a problem with the template and changes need to made off line we need access ...
Jennifer Thomas 9 months ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Color code the items in the side bar so they are easier to find

It would be nice if some of the items in the sidebar were color coded to make them easier to find quickly. An example would be under Sites, make Products one color, User Management another color, etc. They wouldn't all need to be color coded. Just...
Ryan Cole about 1 year ago in Pressero / User Interface 0 New Idea

Report Writer - Forms

We often use forms and have recently found that if a form is removed from an product/area, it can no longer be reported on. It would be ideal if the report was able to report exactly what was selected on the order (just as the job detail reflects)...
Alyssa Curtis over 1 year ago in Pressero / Reporting 0 New Idea

Drag and Drop Home Page Banner Slides

Currently there is no way to rearrange the slides on our home page without deleting slides or starting over. This is a pain when there are links on the slides. We are trying to add new slides monthly and when we do we would like the new slides to ...
John Mantia about 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / User Interface 2 New Idea

Add the delivery date column in the order history section.

It would be good to create a delivery date column in the order history, when customers place orders they see the current status of the order and in which process it is in, but there is no information about when it will be delivered. On the other h...
Damian Cuello almost 2 years ago in Pressero / General Settings 0 New Idea

Text Area with Interactive Design Handle more than one Font Format

I am working on putting up a design for a client in eDocBuilder/Pressero which basically is a letter. I would like the end user to have the ability to have an open Body Text (Text Area) where the user can enter in the body of the letter but also h...
Ryan Condict over 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 4 New Idea