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Workspace eDocBuilder
Created by Ryan Condict
Created on Aug 11, 2020

Text Area with Interactive Design Handle more than one Font Format

I am working on putting up a design for a client in eDocBuilder/Pressero which basically is a letter. I would like the end user to have the ability to have an open Body Text (Text Area) where the user can enter in the body of the letter but also have the ability to change the font style and not change the whole Text Area. It would be nice if they could make a word or whole paragraph bold or italic and have the rest of the stay normal. Currently if you change it at all the whole Text Area changes. Hopefully this makes sense.

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  • Jim Riddles
    Aug 18, 2020

    Ryan, I fully understand what you are saying. We have customers with thousands of users and it would be absolutely impractical to have each user have to try to do this. I wasn't proposing my suggestion as a solution, simply a temporary work-around.

  • Ryan Condict
    Aug 14, 2020

    Having a rich text editor would be nice. Jim, I do like your idea but the client we are building this for is a big company with 100's of employees and to get them to all understand how to put in some tags might be a bit complicated. However, it might be good for the short term. Thanks for the idea.

  • Trent Foreman
    Aug 14, 2020

    Thank you Jim.

  • Jim Riddles
    Aug 11, 2020

    I agree completely. There should be real rich text editing, much like is available in this comment box. That said, there is a work-around for simple style changes like bold, italic, etc.

    Your user can enter HTML tags around their text. It isn't pretty, but it does work.

    For example, if your user wanted only their last name in bold, they could use the following within your text box:

    First <b>Last</b>

    Give it a try in your template.