we have found that on reporting, the order total reflects all products on the order regardless of status. it would be nice to have the system zero out a line when the status becomes cancelled. this would cause the order total on reporting to be mo...
Admin Panel - Customer Order history page in logged in state.
This is way to much clicking to get to a customers order history page and help them complete and order. We should be able to search up a customer by email address or order number on the very front page top and center. ASAP. Attachments: Screen Sho...
Patrick Pernice
about 1 year ago
in Pressero / Admin
New Idea
The order history page is so import for reordering and tracking and downloading old files etc... It could be clean like this and show a minimal amount of information in the spirt of CLEAN. You can store all the stackable data fields in the VIEW bu...
Can you add the ability for the customer to choose more than top 10 items on the dashboard? Maybe top 20 and 30 as well as top 10. Also, can you add a widget for a breakdown of items ordered from Categories?
Cami Lawson
10 months ago
in Pressero / Misc
New Idea
Pending Orders: Deny Entire Order and Cancel Entire Order function needed
When an order requires some items to be approved, but others do not require approval, ability to override all items, even items that did not require an approval, either by Denying or Cancelling Order is needed. "Deny Entire Order" button to overri...
Customize Invoice Title and Descriptions for PrintSmith Vision Integration
Currently, when an order comes into PrintSmith Vision from Pressero's embedded services integration, the Pressero order number is used for the Invoice Title "WSF-###" and the Pressero product name is used for the line item description. It would be...
Increase the number of Groups columns in the export users template
Currently, the Export User Template contains 5 columns for Groups. If a user belongs to 6, 7, or 10 groups, the information is not uploaded to the user profile.
In addition, it is modifying the user's profile (by removing groups) when editing ...