Allow for Impersonation but NOT allow to edit profile
In a highly regulated industry, our site users can not change their profile information as it must match licensing so to control that we need to lock down their permissions to change their profile (all info is sent through an API ) BUT the challen...
Javascript - CSS embed in edocbuilder to customize user experience
It seems like the possibility to integrate Javascript/stylesheets in eDocBuilder has been removed. We use custom code to hide elements, which are used to create our calendars and many other things.The fields are not possible to hide from the user,...
Peter K
over 4 years ago
in eDocBuilder
Already exists
DMARC, which stands for “Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance”, is an email authentication, policy, and reporting protocol. It builds on the widely deployed SPF and DKIM protocols, adding linkage to the author (“From:”)...
Email Notifications: Add "Order Shipped" Email Notification (different than Order Complete)
Hello,It would be helpful to split the Email Notification for Order Completed into two notifications, one for Order Shipped and One for Completed or Invoiced. We need one that tells the customer that it shipped with the tracking in...
Cynthia Emblem
over 5 years ago
in Pressero / Products
New Idea
Stackable order page and changes to the Admin Panel -
In this screen shot, I have highlighted the email address that should be clickable so you can start and email conversation. It should also have a button / icon to take you to that customers order history page so you can see what they see in order ...
Patrick Pernice
11 months ago
in Pressero / Admin
New Idea
We have a some customers who don't like having to re-enter the street address over and over when ordering and choosing a ship to address. We would like to request that you add an optional "Attention To" field to the ordering process so that users ...
The Progress Bar should change color depending on status of job.
Currently in PJM, the Progress bar is red if 'cancelled', and green if any other status is listed. Green should be for 'completed' jobs only, and another color should be used for jobs that are still being worked on. This would help in being able t...
It would be great to have cut-off times added to the company calendar, so the projected ship days don't count the order day if the order is placed after close of business.
Add ##CSRFullName## and ##SalesRepFullName## tag for notifications Estimate, Order Acknowledgement, Estimate Rejected
When sending an estimate or order confirmation notification, it would be interesting to display the name of the salesman or CSR to inform the customer. Is it possible to implement this feature? Thank you.