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User Interface

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Payment Methods should not be buttons

On the checkout page the first thing the user sees is Payment Method. If you have 4 payment methods active on your site, then the user sees 4 buttons. If the user clicks on a button it becomes the active payment method. There is a visual indicator...
Eric C over 3 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 1 In Planning Phase

Re-word the error message when there is a credential mismatch on the login screen.

When a user mistypes their user name or password, the error message says: "Either the information you entered is not correct or your account is not yet approved. Please re-enter your information and try again. Or ask us to verify your account is a...
Scott Hillbrand over 3 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 0 New Idea

Workflow Status by Color

Need a progress bar color to be associated with a status meaning. Right now they are all grey except for a solid red option when an order is canceled. For example, a Canceled order = red bar, holding for PO or payment = yellow bar, Order Received ...
Kelly Mellert over 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / Approvals & Workflow / User Interface 5 New Idea

Improvements to Skins for Faster Page Speed & Load Times

Requesting Aleyant's consideration to modify skins to accomodate the best practice for page speed and load times on mobile. Preload key requests Consider using `<link rel=preload>` to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requeste...
Kelly Mellert about 4 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 1 New Idea

Ship to dropdown

When starting an order, the user is presented with a ship to dropdown menu. If a user has added a number of addresses it becomes unwieldy since the listing contains the entire address which most often breaks to 2 lines. Could the drop down present...
Lewis Kirk about 1 year ago in Pressero / User Interface 1 New Idea

Ability to upload a Purchase Order (PDF format) during checkout.

Hi, we have a customer that suggested us being able to upload a purchase order file, like a PDF upon checkout when the PO option is required. I think this could be a great feature.
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart / Files, Assets, and File Manager / User Interface 6 Already exists

Have the Site Map match the Catalog Organization structure

I have a site where there is a category which contains sub-categories. Those sub-categories are currently displaying in the Site Map under the --Root Category-- along with all the other categories. I would like those sub-categories to be listed ON...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / General Settings / User Interface 1 New Idea

Report Writer

The ability to customize or create new reports is a needed feature. A tool such as iNet Clear Reports or Crystal Reports is needed so that users can develop reports that fit the needs of their facility. For example, we would like to develop Packin...
Bill Casey over 5 years ago in Pressero / Reporting / User Interface 0 New Idea

Dark Mode

Need I say more?
Nick Fulton over 2 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 0 New Idea

"User already exists" Account Setup Alert

If a guest user is checking out or if an existing user forgets and tries to set up a new account, it would be nice for there to be an error telling them an account with that email address already exists. Otherwise it just tells you your details co...
Olivia MacLachlan about 4 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 0 New Idea