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Approval Reminder Emails

We have had quite a few requests for reminder emails on orders waiting approval. Like a 24hr reminder, he you have orders to approve.
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications / Products 16 Released

Add "Empty Cart" Button

Adding a new button that when clicked it would empty the cart by removing all items that are in the cart. Have a secondary action that prompts “are you sure” before clearing the items.
Sheli Cordero over 5 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View / Products / User Interface 14 Released

Control over Breadcrumbs

In the catalog organization, we need to be able to set the priority of navigation for each product. This will increase SEO by having a site structure that is controlled on an admin level.
Kelly Mellert over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 3 Released

More robust Product Export function

The product export option is currently pretty useless and lame. You currently only get 4 pieces of data with a product export. Name, URL, public part number and part number. That's pretty weak considering how much data is tied to a single product....
Larry Kowalski almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 1 Released