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Texte enrichi dans un bloc

Serait-il possible de pouvoir enrichir un texte dans un même bloc (différents corps ou graisse) ? Merci
Guest 12 months ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Charge credit card after product is ready to ship

It would be great if the credit card could be charged after the job is printed and we know exactly what the shipping charges would be.....this would be a game changer and save us and customers alot of headaches.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 2 New Idea

Additional Up Sell Quantities on Product Page Pricing Engine Total

Add the ability on the Pricing tab to include additional quantities for clients visiting a product page to up sell higher quantity orders. For example, if a client visits a Business Card page, and starts to order 250 cards it would show a price of...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 0 New Idea

Prevent new fields to be added if there's 100 fields on a page

When a customer is customizing a template, he has to be very careful because if he ends up with more than 100 fields on the same page, some of the first fields will be locked when he saves the session, and then there won't be any option to unlock ...
Groseille Team almost 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 9 Already exists

Provide Site Group Permission for Categories

Please consider adding site group permission to category administration. This would allow site groups to view or not view the category. Default would be to view. The use case is common products that are published in a number of categories but not ...
Henry Wagner almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Users & User Groups 0 New Idea

Color-code jobs in the list by status

I work with printjobmanager in a fast paced environment of a printing company. My primary task with printjobmanager is marking correct job statuses. I was having difficulties using the software because the list or orders was difficult to read. I s...
Guest almost 2 years ago in PrintJobManager / List View 0 New Idea

Import .xls for inventory

To save time
Thomas Barbier almost 2 years ago in Pressero / Inventory 0 New Idea

Predefined messages for notes

When creating a quote, job, it would be interesting to have the possibility to have a list of predefined messages to be selected and customised by us for each of the free fields such as Production note, Customer notes for the job, Customer notes f...
Thomas Barbier almost 2 years ago in PrintJobManager / Jobs 0 New Idea

Flat price group

In some cases, it would be interesting to define a positive or negative flat price group instead of a percentage. Is it possible to implement this feature? Thank you.
Thomas Barbier almost 2 years ago in PrintJobManager / Price Groups 0 New Idea

Option to combine multiple orders into one Pick List

It would be handy to be able to combine multiple orders into one pick list, perhaps with checkboxes beside each order item and an additional "export combined pick list" up top? For example, we have a client who we hold their orders for one monthly...
Olivia MacLachlan almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin 1 New Idea