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Custom Approval Plan Rule Sorting

On individual products, we can add "Product's Physical Location, Notes" which allows us to add notes that are not shown to the customer, but show up on the Order Detail pages (in ORder Reports) when they are printed. It would be great if we could ...
Michelle Eaton over 4 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 New Idea

Notification of Upcoming Changes Before Release

Once thing that I have never been thrilled about is how Aleyant will release an update, and only after will you notify your customers. Sometimes after the update has been out for a few days. I would love to see a pre-release notification with the ...
Jim Riddles over 5 years ago in Pressero 5 New Idea

Rush order projected shipping date versus standard shipping projected shipping date

We can add Rush order pricing in our pricing engine, but we cannot make the projected shipping date reflect the projected shipping date for Rush order vs. Standard order. This is a big problem.
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

DETAILED instructions or Walk Thru on Quickbooks Integration with Zapier

Create a DETAILED walk thru or instructions on how to connect to Quickbooks Online with Zapier. After spending hours & days on trying to make this work and still not getting it to work, I realized that I am probably not the only one that has d...
MIik Martorell over 3 years ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 1 New Idea

Reports for Independent Page Forms

If a form is displayed on an independent page - ie. not connected to a product or at checkout - the data collected on that form is sent via email but cannot be compiled into a report. I would like to see a new Data/Form Report that accumulates inf...
Olivia MacLachlan over 4 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 1 New Idea

PDF Page B/W & Color Counting Function

PDF File Page B/W & Color Counting Function on Pricing Engines. So we can calculate price for a book from PDF file that user upload. Because Cost between B/W and Color is different.
Luqman Hidayat over 5 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 1 New Idea

Add a handling fee for each item

An order of 1 item does not take the same amount of time as order with 12 items. Adding a place to enter a flat handling fee per item would help capture this time lost per order.
Nick Fulton over 5 years ago in Pressero 4 New Idea

Comment Option for Denied Orders

The comment option would facilitate clear and concise communication, reducing ambiguity and ensuring that customers are fully informed about the status of their orders
Jitender Kumar almost 2 years ago in PrintJobManager / Customers 2 New Idea

Assign default production queues to tFlow products

The ability to assign default production queues to products in tFlow would help reduce the chance of errors when jobs are produced. 057-28883C82-0B0C
Bart Shafer over 3 years ago in tFLOW 6 In Review

***Admin Modifying a Field

When a field is completed with incorrect information by the customer, the system admin on our side should be able to modify it, i.e. org code, payment amount, etc without having to cancel and reorder the job.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea