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Generate Order after ALL Items have Files Generated

For integrated systems there is a Webhook 'OrderItemFilesGenerated' that fires off after each line item has generated files. We are looking to have an additional webhook added 'ALLOrderItemFilesGenerated'. This would fire only after all line items...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 1 New Idea

Make the inventory usage screen the same in the back end as it is on the live site.

No description provided
Guest almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Products 1 New Idea

File preview as JPG instead of or in parallel to PDF download

quick visual of submitted file (first page) in job approval faster than downloading preview PDF which is mostly useless as can't do prepress or anything -- Speed, file recognition, filtering for non-approved - non acceptable files in job approal /...
DJ Montalto almost 2 years ago in Pressero / Approvals & Workflow 0 New Idea

Enhanced Upload Product Previewing with Approvals

We would like to see some very basic enhacement to the method used for Items Uploaded to a Pressero Product such as a Business Card that the user is uploading as a Print Ready PDF. Add some enhanced preview options like: 1. Setting final trim size...
William Andringa about 5 years ago in Pressero / eDoc & File Preview / Files, Assets, and File Manager / User Interface 0 New Idea

Add Pricing Detail/Note Area

Regardless of type, it’d be helpful for each Price Engine to have an optional text area above or below pricing area where admins can add pricing grids and or pricing notes.
Sheli Cordero about 5 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 4 New Idea

Add "include all active sites" Option in Report Writer

When setting up a recurring report, sites have to be added to the "included" list. If a new site is built, by default it is not included in the report. Reports have to manually be edited to include any new sites. Further more, if sites were able...
Lauren Jacobson about 5 years ago in Pressero / Reporting 1 New Idea

Increase File Upload Preview Page Count

On our retail site our clients use the "File Upload Preview" as their electronic proof when submitting orders. Currently the max page count that shows is 20, even when they are ordering a 64pg booklet. It would be nice if the preview page count ca...
Ron Domka about 4 years ago in Pressero / Products 1 New Idea

Ship Station Integration Enhancement

We have received a ticket from the customer stating that the ShipStation Integration does not send the Shipping charge back to Pressero. I discussed this with our programming team and found that the current version of ShipStation Plugin does not s...
Sumeet Maheshwari about 4 years ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Manager Approval to Increase Budget Amount

Use case: Site user trying to order an item for $100 Budget $50/mo An email or alert goes to manager and/or admin requesting an increase to their budget amount - Approved means the manager or admin changes budget, alert is sent to site us...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero 0 New Idea

Approval of the entire order directly in the notification.

Sometimes, our approvers wish to validate an entire order. But they are obliged to do so individually. It regularly happens that our orders include 40 products, which makes the task very time-consuming.
Aurore THOMAS about 4 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 1 Already exists