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Make the warning for required fields more obvious when customizing

When customizing a template with fields marked as required, the warning "Enter information for all required fields" now shows over just the input fields area on the left of the customization window. In the past, it showed across the top of the tem...
Bart Test over 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 3 New Idea

Ability to add more pages to form based edoc

To have the ability to add new pages to edoc builder would be great as often ill need to do this to some previously made designs. Which instead of just being able to add a new page i have to recreate the entire edoc
Ethan Jarrett over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Allow A Customer To Upload more than the first page in a pdf

More programs are able to create high quality PDF's, but customers are not able to spilt pages in a pdf. I would like Edoc to allow a user to upload a multiple page pdf into their into an their "My Images" and have them displayed as multiple uploa...
Guest over 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Full Screen Editing Should Display eDocBuilder Instructions

When using the full screen setting (which is brilliant, by the way), the instructions set in the product's eDocBuilder section are not displayed. I feel it should still be displayed, even in full screen mode.
Jim Riddles 11 months ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Javascript - CSS embed in edocbuilder to customize user experience

It seems like the possibility to integrate Javascript/stylesheets in eDocBuilder has been removed. We use custom code to hide elements, which are used to create our calendars and many other things.The fields are not possible to hide from the user,...
Peter K over 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 3 Already exists

Field scripting should with with Interactive Designer templates.

Field scripting should be supported on Interactive Designer templates. Currently field scripting works on Forms templates, but will only render in the ouput on Interactive Designer templates. Field scripting should work consistently on both Form a...
Bart Shafer almost 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Creating QR Codes with customer's logo in the center

Hi Guys, We are facing a large number of companies that want to include QR Codes in their business cards and recently we received a request to insert the logo in the middle of the code. I already searched on the internet and found some websites th...
Alisson Salles over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Grayscale Photos

we need the option to convert a photo to grayscale in edocright now the customer has to use an outside service to convert the photo, then upload itwe need this as an option within edoc itself
April Angel-Wilson over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

The plugin for InDesign should work with credentials from users created in the eDocBuilder account by the master user account

The plugin for InDesign should work with credentials from users created in the eDocBuilder account by the master user account. The plugin currently will only work with the master username and password for the eDocBuilder account. The plugin does n...
Bart Shafer over 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Field Scripting Previews for Interactive Templates

For a product that has field scripting, it's important for a customer to see the actual changes as they are made. For example: Our chinese raffle ticket has 22 instances that should have the same number. Right now, they are all at 00001. However, ...
Kelly Mellert over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea