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Ability to upload a Purchase Order (PDF format) during checkout.

Hi, we have a customer that suggested us being able to upload a purchase order file, like a PDF upon checkout when the PO option is required. I think this could be a great feature.
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart / Files, Assets, and File Manager / User Interface 6 Already exists

Identify Assets "Usage By"

Currently, when adding an Asset in a Site and assigning the "Usage" by section, it is challenging to identify the correct associations. For example, if you have multiple products setup with identical product names and need to assign an asset to on...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Files, Assets, and File Manager 1 New Idea

Enable a product to require approval based on quantity

For example, if 100 is ordered approval is needed, but 99 or less doesn't need approval
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Products 2 New Idea

Approver is able to edit shipping address on pending approval orders

Approver is able to edit the pending approval orders and is able to select the shipping address from the drop-down list but is not able to add a new shipping address. Please make it available for the approver to add a new address when editing an o...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Local delivery Option for Ship Station

Add local delivery "Ship Station" under Carrier in Shipping Methods for Ship Station. This way I can have both local delivery and UPS in Ship Station and not have 2 different workflow. It is possible and the required part of json is below............
Mike Taubel almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Pressero API. Include KitComponents [] on the "Get Product by ID" call

Basically, the idea is to include the kit component information when the Get Product by ID is going to be used. API documentation: Intruction:
Antonio Rosania over 4 years ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Approval Plan Rule based on Payment Methods

The main idea is to approve those payments that are made through a MISC such as 30, 45, 60, or 90 days payments of those made by Credit Card or PayPal accounts. All payments received on a site that goes through a MISC Payment Method will need appr...
Antonio Rosania about 5 years ago in Pressero / Approvals & Workflow / Payments & Taxes / Users & User Groups 1 New Idea

Allow the Removal of a Promotional Code at Check Once Applied

Currently in Pressero if a site is running multiple Promotional offers and a customer enters one for say 15% off Business cards but they also have a Special Offer code for $10 off and the customer enters teh 15% off and would like to change it to ...
William Andringa over 2 years ago in Pressero / Budgets & Promotions 1 New Idea

Have the Site Map match the Catalog Organization structure

I have a site where there is a category which contains sub-categories. Those sub-categories are currently displaying in the Site Map under the --Root Category-- along with all the other categories. I would like those sub-categories to be listed ON...
Guest about 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / General Settings / User Interface 1 New Idea CIM payment method should allow for updating the payment profile for a user

If a user checks out using CIM and later wants to use updated credit-card information, they have to delete the saved payment profile from their CIM on and then checkout using the new card information. says...
Bart Shafer over 4 years ago in Pressero / Payments & Taxes 0 New Idea