In the catalog organization, we need to be able to set the priority of navigation for each product. This will increase SEO by having a site structure that is controlled on an admin level.
Kelly Mellert
over 5 years ago
in Pressero / Products
The product export option is currently pretty useless and lame. You currently only get 4 pieces of data with a product export. Name, URL, public part number and part number. That's pretty weak considering how much data is tied to a single product....
Larry Kowalski
almost 5 years ago
in Pressero / Products
EFI Pace Integration - Need ability to change Promise Date logic
We would like the Job’s Promise Date of the job to 2 business days after approval (Job Creation) instead of using the same logic as the Pressero Requested Ship Date. This would work best as a site-level configuration setting. Scheduled Ship and Pr...
about 4 years ago
in Pressero / API
File Upload Enhancement - multiple files at the same time
Right now in Pressero you select the number of options the customer has for a file upload. We need to update this so that we can just let the end user drag and drop files into a box, doesn't matter how many files they have. we can then upload and ...
EFi Pace Integration - Need ability to set different default Job Type for a site
The issue we have is that the Job Type cannot be changed in Pace once the job is created, so our users are recreating all jobs that are for Pick-and-Pack (from inventory) which can be a majority of items from their largest customers. The Pressero ...
about 4 years ago
in Pressero / API
Automatic password strength checker when creating users and admins
The fact that Admin Users and Front End Users are not required to at least meet some kind of minimum strength for their login credentials is a huge security risk. This needs to be mandatory! Even if an administrator creates a secure password, the ...
To enhance security, it’d be helpful if we can set a password expiration date (90 days, 120 days, etc.), which would require a user to create a new password.
Sheli Cordero
about 5 years ago
in Pressero / Admin
EFI Pace Integration - Allow Job Description being sent to Pace job to be adjustable
We would like to change the Job Description pattern that is send to Pace. This seems like it would be a configuration setting. It currently is forced to "Pressero’s Order Number + Pressero’s Site name" but we would like to eliminate the site name ...
about 4 years ago
in Pressero / API
FEATURE REQUEST - Remove Order Cancelled from Customer Viewpoint as the very first action the customer sees
There is a MAJOR flaw when viewing order history from the Customer point of view. Go into any customer who has ordered and successfully paid on the site. Click on "View" on the order. Scroll to the bottom and you will see that "Order Cancelled" ap...