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FEATURE REQUEST - Remove Order Cancelled from Customer Viewpoint as the very first action the customer sees

There is a MAJOR flaw when viewing order history from the Customer point of view. Go into any customer who has ordered and successfully paid on the site. Click on "View" on the order. Scroll to the bottom and you will see that "Order Cancelled" appears right before "Order Received". I know this is programming flaw that is not easily fixed, I also understand that if the customer would continue to read up and also look at the time stamps that he/she would see that their order was in fact received and moving along the production chain. I would suggest if it is such a major programming issue can the Name of the Process at least be changed until the programming aspect can be fixed?

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    • Aaron Taylor
      Jun 9, 2020

      I understand. The main problem I had is that from the "customer" display when looking at Order History, it will show the customer that the first Status is the Order is Cancelled. The customer freaks out and calls to find out why their order was cancelled and that their card was in fact charged. I've since figured out how to change the name of the "Status" Order Cancelled to something else like "Credit Card Processed". So that the customer won't see Cancelled and freak out.

    • Trent Foreman
      Jun 9, 2020

      Aaron, we are working on correcting this behavior and updating our checkout process so that Pressero will not generate the order until the payment is processed. With the idea being that if the payment fails, or is cancelled it moves back to cart. A lot of this thought comes from making sure that Pressero does Sequential numbers for orders. Is this something that would still need to be a priority or could an auto generated order number also be usable?